Cookie Lee's Story
Cookie Lee started this business in 1985 so that she could earn money while staying home with her children, Steven and Katie. As her business grew, she realized it could be an exciting opportunity for other stay-at-home moms like her, to build a business of their own. In 1992, Cookie Lee became a direct sales company offered to the public.
Now, nearly 20 years later, thousands of Cookie Lee Consultants are making their dreams come true by selling on-trend, affordable jewelry through home shows, office shows, fundraisers, personal shopping and more. Whether you're shopping for yourself, want to earn free jewelry by hosting a show or see the opportunity to start your own business in a field you love, Cookie Lee offers something for everyone!
A note from Cookie:
"I started this business so that I could have a career with the freedom to stay home and raise a family. My oldest child is now in college and I've never had to miss a single event in his life. Time moves quickly and you can never get back the precious moments you have with your children. Regardless of where you are in your life, if you love fashion, fun and flexibility, then you might just love a career with Cookie Lee!"
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